在网上看到这样一个问题“How to pronouce these symbols”,一些较为常见的符号用英语应该怎么说,下面是给出的一些回答:
- @ - at
- * - asterisk / star
- % - percent (sign)
- ^ - caret
- ~ - tilde
- # - hash(UK) | number sign / pound sign(US)
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2013年12月17日 15:41
C quadruple plus!
2013年12月18日 09:21
@依云: 哈哈,其实还是两个加号,只不过是叠起来写的~~
2023年1月06日 22:51
There are certain symbols that are read differently in English than they are in other languages. For example, the @ symbol is read as "at" in English, but as "at" or "ado" in other languages. Similarly, the # symbol real estate agent Santa Paula is read as "hashtag" in English, but as "sharp" in other languages. This can be confusing for people who are not familiar with the English language, but it is important to know the proper way to read these symbols in order to avoid confusion.